Dates for your Diary
Cromford is to be the featured village in the November issue of Derbyshire Life.
Dear Cromford Resident, 13 September 2013
I am assembling an article about Cromford for Derbyshire Life magazine's November issue. Like all my articles on Derbyshire villages, I aim to present a fairly comprehensive and positive portrait of the place which covers its history but also explores life today in the village.
The fact that you are reading this tells me that you have a love for the place. If so, I hope you can help me with this article. I would be interested to know what circumstances brought you to Cromford? Was it property or place (or both) that appealed? If you came a long time ago, how has the village changed? And what fond memories do you have of those early days?
Also, how would you best describe the village? And what do you like about Cromford? Please let me know as much as possible what marks the place out - everything from community spirit, sense of history through to good walks and wildlife.
I would be especially interested to know how you feel about all the regeneration work going on at Cromford Mills? After all, this development could change the face of Cromford. WILL it impact on the village at all? And how would do you see the future generally for Cromford? Any improvements you would like to see?
I am also keen to know about aspects of commercial life in Cromford. Any interesting shops, businesses in the village? Scarthin Book Shop I already know about. Anyone well known who lives in or used to live in Cromford? Alison Uttley I already know about.
It's important I don't miss anything out, especially as once a village gets written about in Derbyshire Life, it's not likely to be written about again for many years!
Please email me at If you prefer - or need - to write, my address is: 13 Bank Buildings, Milford, Belper, Derbys
I hope you can let me have something, however brief, within the next week or so as I need to start writing the article just before the end of the month. I hope this isn't too short notice for you. Thanking you in anticipation for your response.
Yours sincerely
Ashley Franklin
Photographer/Writer, Derbyshire Life
Launch of Cromford Water, 1st April 2013
Today saw the launch of bottled Cromford Water at the Bear Pit before a small throng of residents. David Mitchell and Malcolm Scothon descended into the sough to extract the water, and Angus Watson was on hand to help with the bottling. A small fish discovered in the bucket was returned to its natural habitat.
There was a brief ceremony, tasting (at own risk) and sprinkling. Bottles were available for free at the sough and in Arkwright's shop.
Water is extracted from the "Bear Pit" sough in Cromford

David proudly shows his bottles
Blue plaque for Cromford Canal, 12 March 2013
A ceremony was held today to unveil a blue plaque at the High Peak Junction on Cromford Canal, the first landmark in Derbyshire to be honoured in this way. It gives recognition to the historical importance of the canal since its opening in 1794. Running 14.5 miles from Cromford to Langley Mill, where it joined the Erewash Canal, it transported coal, limestone and iron, and brought raw cotton to Arkwright's mills and took his products out.
Cromford Canal Clean-up, March 2013
Work to dredge a 1.3 mile section of the canal from the Wharf to Leawood Pumphouse started on Monday, 4th March. The £300,000 project, due to be completed in June, will allow narrow boats to run along the section for the first time in 24 years.
Work is being carried out by Ebsford Environmental of Leeds. The silt dredged from the canal is dried in bags before being spread in a field between the canal and the A6 in Cromford.
The work is being funded by Derbyshire County Council, which owns five miles of the canal from Cromford to Ambergate. The canal is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and runs partly through the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
The cutter suction dredging machine in operation
Dear Cromfordites, 20 January 2013
Operating as Scarthin's pavement grit monitor, I've invented a mini-bin into which to empty one of those sacks of grit/rock salt supplied by the Parish Council for salting swept pavements. It's simply an old blue Securicor Omega Express returnable lidded delivery box which I happen never to have returned - and SOE don't exist any longer.
All you have to do is drill a few small drain holes in the bottom and put it on its side slightly propped up by a beam, slab or brick.
It's a lot easier to shovel out of than a sack and looks neater and more obvious.
I've half-a -dozen more of the boxes, which are stacked at the bottom of Hillside View steps near the top of Scarthin. Other pavement monitors are welcome to make off with one.

Brrrr, not to mention Grrrr,
Dave Mitchell
For Cromford news back to April 2001 go to News Archives. With pictures!
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For information on registered Childminders in the village contact Social Services at County Offices. Tel:
Parents & Toddlers
Meetings are held every Monday from 10am to 11.30am at the Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
£1.50 per child, includes juice and a snack. Tea and biscuits for mums.
Call Julie Taylor , or Nicola Paine .
The Millponders Children's Club, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
Meets at the same time as the Sunday Service, except on the second Sunday of the month when there is an All Age Worship. This is held at the Parish Church or the Methodist Church on alternate months.
Cromford Playgroup, Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
The Playgroup grew out of a Mother and Baby Group which was started over
30 years ago by local mothers. It was originally held at Alison House before moving to its present home.
The group caters for children from 2½ years old. Sessions are held daily. Ofsted approved and Early Years registered, free places for 3 and 4 year olds.
For details ring the Playgroup on during playgroup hours.
Cromford Primary School, North Street
This is a C of E (controlled) school, with about 50 mixed infant and junior children. The head teacher is Mrs Liz Foster. Tel:
Cromford Learning Karten CTEC Centre, 24 Mill Lane
The Centre provides IT training as well as digital camera and media courses. We also have a shop were we train disabled students to work in a retail environment. For more information see
Opened by the University of Derby in Cromford in February 2002, the Karten CTEC Centre is now (from June 2011) run by former staff, volunteers and students as a non-profit making Social Enterprise offering training in IT for anyone.
The playground with swings, see saw and climbing frame is by the sports field opposite the school.
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Amnesty International Group
Has regular meetings in the cafe at Scarthin Bookshop, Cromford.
Ring for more information.
A community support project by Wirksworth Rotary Club, providing clean water for those in need. From its depot on Cromford Hill, aquaboxes are sent to disaster areas around the world.
For more information telephone/fax: , or view the website.
Arkwright Society
The Arkwright Society is an educational charity based at Cromford Mill. Membership of the Society assists in the work of restoring the Mill site
and the conservation of other industrial remains in the area.
Volunteers are also needed at Cromford Mill to help in its day to day running, and to help in local projects.
For more information Tel: , or see the web site.
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
There are no longer any packs in Cromford.
The nearest are - Beavers and Cubs in Wirksworth, contact Richard Daldorf
Tel: .
Scouts in Matlock Green, contact Glyn Beeson Tel: .
Cafe Philosophique
A lecture and discussion group which meets every couple of months in
Scarthin Books Cafe. Ring for more information.
Cromford Brownies
The Brownie pack meets every week at the Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane. For details Tel:
Cromford Guides
The Guides meet weekly at the Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane. For details Tel:
Cromford Rainbows
The Rainbows meet weekly at the Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
Cromford Community Band
Meets every Friday from 6.45pm to 8.00pm at the Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane. Enthusiastic musicians of all abilities aged 10 years to adult are invited to join. For details call 01629 55863.
Cromford Community Social Club
Community Centre, Market Place. Tel: .
A garage until the 1970s, the building was converted to community use by people from the village. Their hard work over the years resulted in the provision of a licenced club, upstairs room and sports hall, where many activities are carried out.The Social Club has thriving darts and pool teams.
New members always welcomed.
Cromford Steam Rally Society
The popular Cromford Steam Rally was first held in 1970. After outgrowing its original venue on Cromford Meadows it was moved to Brackenfield, where it occupies a 35 acre site. The rally draws exhibitors and visitors from all over the country.
The new ladies Chorus based in Cromford. Launched in November 2007 the choir now has 57 members. Rehearses are held at the Community Centre on Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 10pm.
For more information and contact details go to
Winners of Don't Stop Believing, broadcast on Channel 5, 22nd August 2010.
Derwent Valley Donkey Sanctuary
Intake Lane, Cromford. Run by Kathleen Wilson, Derek Newcombe, Tony and Paul Godbehere. Help welcomed in fundraising or grooming the donkeys and ponies. There is an adoption scheme which entitles you to receive the sanctuary's newsletter.
For more information contact Kathleen on .
Dog Training Club
Meets at the Community Centre on Monday and Tuesday evenings,
7.30pm - 8.45pm.
Ringcraft and obedience training classes. A dog show is held on the second Monday of the month.
Contact: or
Knit and Natter, Craft and Chatter group
Meets in the Millpond Community Room at the Methodist Church Tuesdays 2 to 3pm.
Matlock Camera Club
Meets at The Gothic Warehouse, Cromford Wharf, Mill Lane, on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7.45pm. The club has been running for 21 years, and organises slide shows, lectures, competitions and social activities.
For details contact Mick Dicker Tel:
A new Sunday club for young people.
Sundays at the Methodist Church, Water Lane at 10.30am.
Pigeon Club
The club meets at the Community Centre. The secretary is Cliff Redfern
Reading Group
The group meets from time to time in the Scarthin Book Shop Café to choose, read and discuss books. Ring for more information.
Royal British Legion
The Committee meets on the second Monday of the month at the Bell Inn to arrange social events and outings for members. If you would like to take part in the club's activities, or could help in any way, please contact Mary Parkin on
Thursday Painters A group of local painters who meet weekly at the Gothic Warehouse, Cromford Wharf, Mill Lane.
Meetings are held at Cromford Institute at 7.30 on the first Wednesday of each month except August. There is usually a speaker, with refreshments and a raffle. Various activities and events take place throughout the year.
Visitors are welcome to attend meetings for a charge of £1.50 which is deducted from the annual subscription if you decide to join.
For more details contact Janet on or Judith on .
Youth Club for 11 to 15 year olds
Meetings are held in the Millpond Community Room at the Methodist Church on Monday Evenings 7.30-8.30, term time only.
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Aerobics & Body Conditioning
Every Thursday at 6.30pm in Cromford Community Centre.
For details, call Lynsey on
Permission to use canoes on Cromford Canal may be obtained from the High Peak Trail Head Office at Middleton Top. Tel: .
For information about canoeing on the River Derwent at Matlock Bath see the Matlock Canoe Club website.
Cromford Meadows Cricket Club
Members meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm at the Cromford Meadows clubhouse. For full details contact Mr S Bunting, Tel:
Cromford Football Club
For information contact Ian Parkin, Tel:
Derbyshire County Angling Club
Private fishing on the River Derwent at Cromford. No Day Tickets.
To apply for membership please ring Ron Trevis, Tel:
Matlock Rugby Club
For information Tel: .
The Club House is on Cromford Meadows, Tel:
Swimming Lessons
At Willersley Castle Hotel. One 2 one Swimming Lessons with a Fully Qualfied Instructor ASA/STA. Competitive Prices.
Fully Insured with 10 years experience. ASA National Plan followed.
Contact Liz Harby at ,
Tel: or . Non members welcome.
Table Tennis
Members meet Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7.15pm at Cromford Community Centre. There is a Junior section.
For more information contact Tony Gregory, Tel:
Yoga For Health
Meet Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in Cromford Institute.
Contact Margaret Cowgill for details, Tel:
Yoga Club
Meet Thursday evenings at Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
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Alison House, off Intake Lane, Cromford.
Alison House has three training rooms which can be hired for a minimum period of half a day, with a variety of catering packages available.
Visit web site at
The Boat Inn, Scarthin
Cromford Cavern Function room available for hire. Tel:
Cromford Community Centre, Market Place
Bar room and function rooms available for hire. Catering can be arranged.
Ring Sue for information and booking. Tel:
Cromford Institute, The Hill
Clean comfortable rooms to hire, suitable for clubs to meet in, small fund-raising events, children's parties etc.
A new constitution was adopted on 4 September 2012, and can be downloaded as a
Contact is the secretary Joyce Pawley Tel:
Cromford Mill, Mill Lane
The site has seminar rooms and larger conference rooms. All are to let on a sessional basis. For information Tel:
Gothic Warehouse, Cromford Wharf, Mill Lane
Masson Mill, Matlock Bath
The Sir Richard Arkwright Conference Suite is available for conferences, exhibitions or meetings. Enquiries Tel:
Millpond Community Hall, Methodist Church, Water Lane.
The Hall is used by community groups during the week.
Available for private hire on Saturdays.
Enquiries to Jennie Binks Tel:
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The Methodist Church is on Water Lane.
The Minister is Rev Dr Robert Foster. Mobile: ,
Sunday Service is held at 10.30am
2nd Sunday of the month at the Methodist Church is All Age Worship.
Sunday School, "Millponders" 10.30 a.m. on Sundays.
Weddings, baptisms and funerals by arrangement with the Minister |
The Parish Church of St Mary, Mill Lane.
Cromford is a united benefice with Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath.
The Priest in Charge is the Rev Nick Grayshon. The curate is
Julie Stanton, Tel:
Churchwardens: Mr Tom W Bradley and Mr Stephen Walker.
Regular Services at St Mary's are held as follows:
1st Sunday in the month - 9.30am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday in the month - 9.30am Morning Worship
3rd Sunday in the month - 9.30am Holy Communion
4th Sunday in the month - 9.30am Morning Worship at St Mary's;
2nd Sunday in the month - All Age Worship at the Parish Church or the Methodist Church on alternate months.
5th Sunday in the month - 9.30am Holy Communion
Morning services (10.45am) and evening services (6.30pm) are held at
Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath.
The restoration of the wall paintings in St Mary's is now complete.
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There are 72 Parish Councils in the Derbyshire Dales.
There are 39 seats on Derbyshire Dales District Council.
There are 64 seats on the County Council, representing the 8 District Councils in Derbyshire.
There are 6 County Council seats in the Derbyshire Dales.
Derbyshire and Derby have ten parliamentary constituencies.
Elections for the European Parliament were on 4th June 2009. In the East Midlands 37.3% of the electorate voted.
The enlargement of the EU has reduced the number of seats in the region from six to five.
Cromford Parish Councillors:
Carol Easton - Chair. Russell Boyack - Vice-Chair,
Jeremy Becket, Philip Benfield, Barbara Bowman, Sue Mosley,
Joyce Pawley, Derek Roose, Chris Thompson, Mike Whitworth.
The clerk to the parish council is Mrs Dawn Land. Tel:
Footpath Officer - John Mee
The Parish Council meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Institute. The agenda for the next meeting is displayed on the notice board in the Market Place.
Minutes of previous meetings can be seen at the Post Office, Scarthin.
Derbyshire Dales District Council:
Cromford is in Masson ward. There are two councillors -
Bob Cartwright, Labour. Tel:
Garry Purdy, Conservative. Tel:
Derbyshire County Council:
Garry Purdy, Conservative, Wirksworth Ward.
Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire:
Alan Charles, Labour, was elected Derbyshire's first Police and Crime Commissioner on 15th November, 2012.
West Derbyshire Parliamentary Constituency:
The local MP is Patrick McLoughlin, Conservative. Tel: .
Address: House of Commons, London
Members of the European Parliament for the East Midlands Region are:
Derek Clark, UKIP
Roger Helmer, Conservative
Emma McClarkin, Conservative. Tel:
Address: Ground Floor Suite, Three Crowns Yard, High Street,
Market Harborough
William Newton Dunn, Liberal Democrat, Tel:
Address: 10 Church Lane, Navenby, Lincoln
Glenis Wilmott, Labour
Police. As at March 2009
- PC Martin Jones
- PCSO Josh Brooking (Community Support Officer)
Contact details:
or email
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Hannage Brook Medical Centre,
The Hannage Brook Medical Centre, Hannage Way, off Water Lane, Wirksworth.
Tel: .
Note: The surgery at Cromford was permanently closed on October 2nd 2004.
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Cash Withdrawal
There are no "hole in the wall" facilities in Cromford. The nearest are at the Pavilion in Matlock Bath, or the Banks in Wirksworth and Matlock.
The Post Office can now pay out cash - you need your bank card and PIN number.
Arkwright's Stores offers cashback. |
Mobile Library
The Mobile Library van calls fortnightly at 7 stops in the village.
Thursday morning: Community Centre, Barnwell Lane, Hawthorne Drive, Rose End Avenue.
Thursday afternoon: Ridgewood Drive, Castle View, Intake Lane.
Watch out for the van or Tel: for dates. |
Phone boxes
1. Market Place, opposite The Greyhound.
2. High Peak Junction.
Note: the phone boxes on Beech Walk and at the Crossroads were removed in early 2004 by BT as an economy measure. The box at High Peak Junction is being considered for removal.(July 2004)
Post boxes
1. Post Office, Scarthin.
2. Cromford Hill, by Arkwright Gardens.
3. Cromford Hill, opposite Addison Square.
4. Bottom of Intake Lane.
Note: The box on Mill Lane at the bottom of Willersley Lane was taken out of commission in July 2004 by Royal Mail.
Public Toilets
There are public toilets in the Memorial Garden, adjacent to the Community Centre.
Other toilets can be found at Cromford Wharf car park, High Peak Junction and Cromford Mill.
Bins for glass, cans, plastic and newspapers are situated in Lime Yard, behind the Memorial Garden.
There is also a fortnightly house collection scheme for paper and glass.
Ring for your plastic bag and blue box.
A waste vehicle is parked on the Market Place every month on a Saturday morning for half an hour. All items must be delivered to the vehicle for disposal.
Televisions and computer monitors cannot be accepted.
These may be collected (see below) or taken to one of the DCC's Household Waste Recycling Centres.
For more info phone
See notice board in Market Place for more details.
Waste Collection
There is a charge for the collection from domestic premises of bulky items which are too large to be taken to the waste vehicle. Fridges and freezers will be collected free of charge, and there is one free collection per year for people over the age of 65 and those registered disabled.
Not building waste, bricks etc. To arrange collection phone
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Bus Services
Cromford is well served with buses to local towns and villages and with special buses further afield. Timetables are available at various outlets including Cromford Mill and Tourist Information at Matlock. Telephone enquiries to traveline 0870 608 2 608.
Or try the Derbyshire Public Transport website
•This is a general guide only to buses that pick up in Cromford. All services should be checked. |
6.1 Two in every hour between Wirksworth and Bakewell. Every hour the journey is extended to Derby. Picks up at Greyhound.
TP Transpeak is an hourly service between Buxton and Nottingham. It is a limited stop service. The service is extended to Manchester every 2 hours. Picks up at the Crossroads bus stops.
140 An hourly service between Matlock and Alfreton. Picks up at Crossroads bus shelter (for Alfreton), or Mill Lane (for Matlock).
141 A 2-hourly service between Matlock and Ripley. Picks up as 140.
158 An hourly service between Bonsall and Matlock, via Starkholmes. Picks up at Greyhound.
411 Matlock to Ashbourne via Wirksworth and Carsington Water. Four or five buses daily. Picks up at Greyhound.
Note: Sunday times will differ, check timetables for full details. |
Daily service from Buxton to London, pick up 9am at Matlock Bus Station. Local agent - Midland Co-op Travel, Matlock Tel:
213 To Sheffield Meadowhall. Monday to Friday. (On Tuesday continues to Doncaster) Picks up at Greyhound at 9.03am. Starts back from Sheffield at 2.10pm.
210 To Sheffield via Chatsworth House. Summer Sundays only, details available in April.
254 To Castleton, via Hathersage. Picks up at Crossroads 10.22am. Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays from 15 April to 21 October 2001. Returns late afternoon.
473 To Rochdale via Glossop and Castleton. Summer Sundays only, details available in April. |
Community Bus Service
Amber Valley District Council provides a dial-a-bus service for people who are unable to use public transport. The scheme includes Cromford, as follows:
•Tuesday afternoons from Cromford, Bonsall, Middleton and Bolehill areas to Wirksworth.
•Friday mornings from Wirksworth, Middleton,Bonsall, Cromford and Matlock Bath to Matlock.
Advance booking is essential. For details and bookings phone . |
Train Services
The Railway Station is half a mile from the village centre, on Lea Road.
Car parking. On the platform is a public telephone, which takes cards only.
Central Trains run a service between Derby and Matlock, calling at Duffield, Belper, Ambergate, Whatstandwell, Cromford and Matlock Bath. Sunday trains go through to Nottingham. Train tickets valid on this line can be used on buses on the same route.
Check timetables for details.
Train timetables are available at various outlets including Cromford Mill and Tourist Information at Matlock. Telephone enquiries at . Or try the Derbyshire Public Service website
Dee Jay Taxis, Water Lane, Cromford. 7- 8 seater minibuses and 4 seater cars. Tel:
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