An explanation of some of the more obscure words |
ale - amercement - assizes - barmaster - |
a weak beer brewed from water, malt and yeast. a fine for an offence in a manorial court. judicial proceedings to settle disputes. the representative of the Crown, responsible for administering the mining laws. |
calendar - callicoes - carding - carucates - casualties - chantry - charabanc - charter - churching - coe - copyhold - copyholder - Court Baron - Court Leet - cupola - |
a list or register of court cases. calico. A white or unbleached cotton fabric with no printed design. the process of preparing the fibres of cotton for spinning. the amount of land that could be ploughed by an 8 ox team in a year. property or animals having been lost or stolen and being unclaimed. a chapel endowed by an individual for the singing of masses for his or her soul. a motor coach, especially one used for sightseeing tours. a formal document issued by the sovereign in evidence of a contract. a ceremony of thanksgiving for women after childbirth. a small stone shed above a leadmine shaft, for storage of tools. the holding of land by copy of court roll. a tenant holding his land by copy of court roll, belonging to a class deriving from the medieval villeins. court held by lord holding his lands direct from the Crown. court held in Hundred or manor with jurisdiction over petty offences and civil matters. a furnace for smelting lead ore. |
a delf or delph - Dissenter - emulacon - fee - galena - Justices itinerant - |
a seam of coal. a person who does not conform to the established church. A Nonconformist. emulation: jealous rivalry. the area of jurisdiction of a lord of the manor and subject to feudal obligations. the mineral lead sulphide. The chief ore of lead. officials who travelled around the assize courts administering justice. |
knop -
Lady Day - manor - oratrix - pillowbere - quart - rakes - |
an ornamental knob or ball.
March 25. Also known as the Annunciation of Our Lady. A Quarter Day. the land belonging to a lord. female: the plaintiff in a cause of action in chancery. Male - orator pillowcase a liquid measure equal to two pints or a quarter of a gallon. veins of lead ore disposed vertically between two walls of rock, up to several miles long. |
sack - sap - scrins - sidesman - socage - Soke - Soli laus Deo - sough - spar turner - stammel - Star Chamber - surplice - surtout - swaddle bed - |
any dry white wine formerly imported from SW Europe. a deep and narrow trench used to approach or undermine an enemy position. short, often thin, vertical vein of lead ore; often branching from a rake. deputy churchwarden. tenure of land originally by service, later by payment of rent. Word signifying jurisdiction, and especially the privilege of holding a court. Latin: Praise to God alone. a tunnel driven specifically to drain a lead mine. a person who made ornaments etc from crystalline minerals such as fluorspar. a coarse woollen cloth used for undergarments, and usually dyed red. A court of law, sitting in the Star Chamber in Westminster Palace. a vestment of white linen worn by clergymen and choristers over the cassock. a man's skirted overcoat. perhaps a crib: newborn babies were swaddled (wrapped) with strips of linen. |
tenement - waifs & estrayes - yeoman - |
a holding consisting of house and land. ownerless property and straying animals. By law they had to be publicly declared, and if not claimed within a year and a day, were sold. a freeman cultivating his own land. ![]() |
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© 2001 - 2012 Yvonne Daykin. Cromford village website launched 3 June 2001. Updated 4 February 2012 |